Saturday, March 20, 2010


First my son got married.  Then my daughter got married.  Same year.  Then the son and his wife decided to buy a bigger coop apt in manhattan and renovate it.  Loaned them some $$ to help.  Got repaid when smaller apt. was sold.  Then daughter had a baby boy.  Then son's wife had a baby boy.  Two grandsons, within 30 days of each other.  Me, with grandsons, who thought I'd always just have grand-dogs.  Anyway, moving right along, daughter and son-in-law faced prospect of homelessness when landlord announced he needed their apt for his sister this summer.  So D and SIL started looking for new home.  And found it.  And placed an offer to purchase.  And was accepted.   But they need my/our help with down payment.  So have promised them as  much as they need.  But will do whatever it takes.  Because she's my only daughter and she's the mom of my wonderful grandson, and that what parents are supposed to do.  I love her to pieces.  And I want to protect them from mistakes and pain and sorrow and other unhappinesses.  But I'm just her mother, and I had to let that go a long time ago.  Sigh.

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